CPD Providers

Access to the largest marketplace for doctors

Apply to become a CPD Home approved Certified Learning Provider

Since 1 January 2024, Australian doctors must comply with the Medical Board of Australia’s revised Registration Standard: Continuing professional development (the Standard). Australian doctors requiring a CPD home can no longer self-manage their CPD and must join an Australian Medical Council (AMC) approved CPD home.

Doctorportal Learning Pty Ltd, trading as CPD Home is an approved AMC provider that supports all doctors regardless of career stage or registered scope of practice.

With 50 hours of CPD activities required annually, this presents an incredible opportunity to providers of medical learning.

So, how do you reach the diverse range of medical professionals who need your CPD activities?

By joining CPD Home as an approved Certified Learning Provider (CLP) you’ll have access to medical practitioners Australia-wide, regardless of registered scope of practice or career stage who must achieve 50 hours of CPD annually.

Contact us to request our resource: Listing CPD Activities in the CPD Home Catalogue: A guide for Certified Learning Providers.

What’s involved?

At CPD Home, we acknowledge the important role learning providers play to ensure doctors can access high-quality, timely, accurate, and evidence based CPD activities in a range of formats to meet individual learning needs.

As a CPD Home Certified Learning Provider, you can apply to list your learning activities in our CPD Home Catalogue. Doctors will view the Catalogue when seeking to fulfil their required 50 hours of CPD.

You’ll be able to:

Use the CPD Home ‘Certified Learning Provider’ logo on marketing materials

Promote your CPD activities using the CPD Home approved activity logo

Promote your approved activities via the CPD Home Catalogue

Upload completion records for CPD Home Subscribers to our Learning Management System (LMS).

If you don't have access to your own LMS. You can house your approved CPD activities on the CPD Home LMS (additional fees apply).

Meeting the criteria as a Certified Learning Provider

Promote your CPD activities in our Catalogue by completing our two-phase process.

Phase 1

Applying to become a Certified Learning Provider

1.Submit the online application form including your organisation name, logo and key contact details.

2.Pay the annual administration fee.

3.Sign the Certified Learning Provider 'Terms'.

The application review may take up to five business days to complete. Following the review, you'll be notified of the outcome in writing.

Our Certified Learning Provider logo can be used annually by CLPs until 31 December. Our new logo will be issued to CLPs following the annual administration fee renewal.

Phase 2

Listing CPD Activities in our Catalogue

CPD activities accredited with an AMC approved CPD home or our Accreditor can be submitted for CPD Home accreditation verification.

Simply log in to your organisation’s CPD Home LMS portal, enter the activity details with your registration link and save.

The CPD Home team will review your activity submission and respond within 5 business days.

CLPs are not permitted to promote the CPD activity using the CPD Home activity logos until approval has been granted.

Contact Us to apply to become a Certified Learning Provider or speak with a member of our team to learn more.

Promote your CPD activities listed in our Catalogue to doctors.

Get the best results using the right message at the right time to the right audience. Maximise your opportunities with targeted marketing.

Make it possible with our simple 4-step integrated process:
  • Audience engagement
  • Maximum reach
  • Insights and analysis
  • Leading experts.

Contact Us to request our resource: CPD Home Engagement Kit and learn how to make the most of your marketing spend.